
Fork for K2

Fork for K2

Fork b1 (inline asides) - 900px

Fork is an easy-to-use style-set for the K2 WordPress theme. I’ve avoided making any changes to the core template files, so you just need to drop the files into the K2 styles directory and you’re off to the races. K2 provides all of the structure, Fork provides the dirty look. It’s loosely based on the recent Tool theme here at eightface.


Fork (b1)January 14th, 2006 (for K2 Beta 2 r160).


  • Place fork.css and the fork directory (filled with images) into the K2 stles directory
  • Activate style via K2 options panel in Presentation menu


  • Styled support for inline Asides
  • Header image supports variable width option
  • Greyscale icons for theme

To Do

  • Better support for sidebar Asides
  • Improve plugin support
  • Comment display needs work
  • More plugin support
  • Icon pack to replace all icons with greyscale

Plugin Support

Fork has been tested with and supports:

Support & Feedback

The theme isn’t finished, because K2 isn’t done yet. It’s relatively safe to use, as long as you don’t make changes to K2 core files. Feel free to leave comments, feedback and ideas via the eightface forum on flickr. Pingbacks are enabled, so you can complain about the theme on your own site and I’ll likely get back to you.